Sports Q&A: Behind the Steel Curtain

Ben Roethlisberger's off-the-field issues, coupled with troubled wide receiver Santonio Holmes' trade to the Jets, have clouded the Pittsburgh Steelers' aura of integrity. Was the Holmes' trade necessary for the Steelers to restore their good name? And have the Jets' offseason moves made them a Super Bowl favorite?

The sale and usage of illicit drugs. Lurid sexual encounters. Motorcycles crashed. Drinks tossed. No, it's not Behind the Green Door. It's better. It's "Behind the Steel Curtain."

In case you've been under a rock and/or don't follow the always compelling legal matters of NFL superstars, you're probably unaware that the Pittsburgh Steelers organization's good name has been sullied by the actions of Ben Roethlisberger and Santonio Holmes. Although neither has actually been charged with any of the crimes they're accused of committing, the Steelers felt they could not sit idly by without taking action. So, while the limitations of shabby law enforcement and the ambiguities of the legal system won't allow repercussions, the sterling reputation of the Pittsburgh organization will. That was realized when the Steelers guttered Holmes to the Jets for a fifth-round pick, thus converting the "7-10 split."

It was an admirable move by the Steelers, but was it a wise one? Together, Roethlisberger and Holmes formed one of the NFL's most lethal connections. Now, the words "lethal connection," modified by three or so letters, can easily spell "legal conviction." What are those three letters? It's not "DNA" or "THC," but it's clear that actions bordering on criminal have robbed the Steelers of arguably their best offensive combination.

Holmes' troubles include a domestic violence charge (which has been dropped) sandwiched by numerous marijuana issues. Most recently, Holmes is being sued by a Florida woman who claims he hit her in the face with a glass at an Orlando nightclub. Usually to Holmes, "thrown glass" means nothing more than a "passed bong." However, this situation is much more serious.

Holmes claims his innocence, but I'm sure he can attest that the pain from such an injury is comparable to being "slapped" with a subpoena.

Holmes will be suspended for the first four games of the 2010 due to a violation of the league's substance abuse policy. It's clear that Holmes has problems, but let's not label him a miscreant just yet. He may or may not be, depending on his attorney's fees.

How many times has a player with a history of domestic violence and drug abuse followed his NFL dream? Quite often. Heck, if you rid the league of all players with drug and/or domestic issues, you'd be left with nothing but quarterbacks. And the Steelers would also be missing a kicker.

Now, if you show an NFL scout a wide receiver with drug and domestic abuse issues, that scout will immediately draw comparisons to Michael Irvin. But, there are few instances in which a player's character issues have prevented a team from drafting a player with a checkered past. In the NFL, physical gifts almost always override character issues. Holmes, you could say, was a risk. But you can also say the reward outweighed the risk. Until now.

Roethlisberger's troubles started innocently enough when, back in June of 2006 when he was seriously injured after wrecking his motorcycle. Wrecking a motorcycle does not make one a bad person, but driving a motorcycle without a helmet is certainly evidence of bad decision-making. Of course, if Roethlisberger had not wrecked, then the helmet decision would not be an issue.

But it sure does seem like a good decision compared to some of Roethlisberger's latest decisions, particularly those which led to two sexual assault accusations, one in 2008 and the other in March of 2010, both of which took place in bars. As stated previously, Roethlisberger won't face charges in either case due to lack of evidence. Finally, we can commend Big Ben for a good decision: not leaving the crime at the scene.

So, what conclusion can be gleaned from a motorcycle wreck and two sexual assault accusations? Only one: Roethlisberger needs a helmet to drive, and a lawyer to party.

Now, one could argue that Roethlisberger is simply a victim of bad luck. It's doubtful he would argue that statement, and would also state that he trying his best to change his luck. Heck, in his efforts to "get lucky," Roethlisberger has indeed found "luck," as two, count ‘em, two, criminal charges have been dropped.

Roethlisberger's name has been so tarnished that marketers don't even trust it enough to sell beef jerky. PLB Sports, a marketing company, has discontinued a contract to make "Big Ben Beef Jerky." Shame on Roethlisberger! No, not for his mistreatment of women. For depriving the world of "Big Ben Beef Jerky." Now that's criminal.

There'll be no more "Big Ben Beef Jerky" on grocers' shelves. Let's here it for Ty Ballou, president of PLB Sports. At least there's one person who knows when Big Ben's beef shouldn't be.

It's a development that sure to have consumers of the product asking "Where's the beef?" It's a question that if Roethlisberger continues to ask of himself, then he will soon find "the beef" in a crime lab, scrutinized and analyzed. Instead of the beef jerky, Roethlisberger will find that he himself is the "processed meat."

It's probable that had Roethlisberger not been accused of his latest sexual assault, Holmes would likely still be a Steeler. Holmes was the fall guy for Roethlisberger's stupidity, collateral damage, if you will. No, race had nothing to do with the Steelers decision. Holmes was not let go because he was black. In the eyes of the Pittsburgh front office, there's no difference between a stupid white guy and a stupid black guy. But the stupid white guy is clearly more valuable to the Steelers. There's not a woman alive who would label Roethlisberger a "keeper," but the Steelers have no problem labeling him as such.

Does the acquisition of Holmes make the Jets a Super Bowl favorite? Absolutely. When you strengthen a team that advanced to the AFC Championship Game last year, then they have to at least become the most likely candidate to represent the conference in the Super Bowl. And Holmes' acquisition definitely strengthens the team.

Along with Braylon Edwards, Holmes gives the Jets a dynamic wide receiving tandem, and one good set of hands. They're sure to impress as the wideout duo known as "Dropped Balls, Dropped Charges."

And Holmes, along with Jets defensive end and marijuana connoisseur Shaun Ellis, will encourage supply and demand to converge in economic equilibrium.

For a fifth-round pick, Holmes was a bargain. It matters not that he'll miss the first four games of the season. I'm sure that when the Jets front office and coaches analyzed the trade, they likely speculated on Holmes' contribution in the last four games of the season anyway.

So the Steelers' loss is the Jets' gain. And the Steelers' loss is a clear message to Roethlisberger that if his behavior doesn't improve, they'll be forced to trade another player.

Comments and Conversation

April 17, 2010

Anthony Brancato:

While many pundits have been mining the parallel sagas of Holmes and Roethlisberger for racial nuggets, one can just as plausibly use them to make a point about the relative effects of marijuana and alcohol. Indeed, political columnist David Sirota did just that six months ago (using Michael Phelps and Lance Armstrong as the respective backdrops) - and with millions of people out there effectively getting down on their knees and begging to pay taxes at a time when the federal government and many state governments are tottering on the brink of bankruptcy?

But while the Jets seem to be making all the right moves, just one right move at a certain position - and they’ve made more than one move there already - makes the road to Super Bowl XLV from the AFC go through Baltimore. The 2009 Ravens looked for all the world like a restatement of the 2003 Eagles - one player away from being certifiable Super Bowl material, with that missing ingredient being a so-called #1 wide receiver.

And now that they’ve finally gotten over the no-winning-season hump, I’m looking at the Houston Texans as an intriguing longshot option in the conference.

April 17, 2010


Great article. I love your writing style but you already know that!

April 17, 2010



Yes, the Ravens and Texans look solid. The only problem with the Texans is that they are in the Colts division, plus, Houston always seems to find a way not to make the playoffs.

The jets have great depth at running back, and now they have great depth at WR.

Jets-Colts rematch for the AFC title?

April 17, 2010



Thanks a bunch. I just call ‘em like I see ‘em. Big ben and Holmes are gold mines for subject matter.

Thank the Lord those two never partied together.


April 18, 2010

Anthony Brancato:

The Colts have no shot whatsoever at getting back to the conference title game - something the last 16 consecutive Super Bowl losers have neglected to do.

And in the NFC, I can’t see past the Giants - based largely on the “Troubled Trip Theory” so familiar to horse-players. How can a team be tied for 13th in total yards allowed, yet 30th in points given up? Not since the 1975 Saints has an NFL team had a comparably wide gap between their yardage and points rankings.

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