NBA Free Agency Tweets

There was no shortage of activity around the NBA this week as teams were finally able to officially sign free agents after the one week courtship period that began on July 1st.

And while there was plenty of news and the rumor mill was buzzing all week, the best place to catch up on all the goings on around the league wasn't in the newspaper or on some NBA website, it was on Twitter.

Free agents like Ron Artest, Charlie Villanueva, Ben Gordon, Allen Iverson, and many more were all giving updates and announcing signings this week via Twitter.

However, the players weren't the only ones expressing their thoughts on NBA free agency in 140 characters or less. NBA executives from around the league posted tweets as they tried to generate excitement for the 2009-10 season and lure free agents.

Luckily, I've been following these NBA executives diligently over the past couple weeks and I have compiled a list of Tweets from some of the biggest players of the 2009 free agency period.

Detroit Pistons Team President @JoeDumars: Doug Collins withdrew his name from consideration for our coaching vacancy shortly after I gave $90 mil over the next 5 yrs to @BenGordon and @CharlieVillanueva. Probably just a coincidence, right?

Portland Trail Blazers GM @KevinPrichard: Convincing millionaire playboy athletes to relocate to Portland is tougher than I thought it'd be.

Toronto Raptors GM @BryanCollangello: Just stole @Hedo from @KevinPrichett and conned @MarkCuban into taking @ShawnMarion in exchange for cap flexibility and a starting shooting guard out of the deal. Thanks @ChrisWallace!!

Memphis Grizzlies GM @ChrisWallace: Just facilitated a trade that benefits three other teams while doing little if anything to improve the Grizzlies. Where amazing happens!!

Dallas Mavericks owner @MarkCuban: Just overpaid for @MarcinGortat and @ShawnMarion!! Recession!? What recession!?

Sacramento Kings GM @GeoffPetrie: Sorry, fans, we're probably going to have to relocate b/c we passed on the charismatic 18yo from Spain that could sell tickets to make the safe pick. Figured we wouldn't waste ur time bringing in FAs you can only watch for one year anyway.

Minnesota Timberwolves Team President @DavidKahn: The more I talk to him, the less I like @RickyRubio's dad. Anyone know if there is a Spanish word for "mulligan?"

New York Knicks Team President @DonnieWalsh: Lost out on both @GrantHill and @JasonKidd. Still actively looking for a respected veteran to help lure @LeBronJames next summer. Also, someone plz do a SNT with me for @DavidLee so I can actually afford @LeBronJames next year. Thx.

Miami Heat Team President @PatRiley: You know it and I know it, we're doing whatever makes @DwyaneWade happy in free agency or with trades this summer.

Boston Celtics GM @DannyAinge: Just went with @KG to meet face-to-face with @RasheedWallace. Couldn't understand a word either one of them said to each other, but whatever @KG said worked. 'Sheed is a Celtic!

Cleveland Cavaliers GM @DannyFerry: I wish I was privy to the same inside information @TrevorAriza has about @LeBronJames' future...

New Jersey Nets Team President @RodThorn: It took a few years, but I was finally able to unload @JasonKidd, @RichardJefferson, and @VinceCarter. Finally, I've succeeded in making the Nets most unwatchable team in the league.

Los Angeles Lakers Team President @MitchKupchack: I was able to get @RonArtest for the same price I would have had to pay @TrevorAriza, but I might need @JerryWest to come save the day again and convince @LamarOdom to come back and take a 50% pay-cut.

Utah Jazz GM @KevinO'Connor: It would be a lot easier to decide whether or not to match @KevinPritchard's offer for @PaulMillsap if someone would just step up and take @CarlosBoozer off my hands.

NBA Commissioner @DavidStern: I know a lot of you guys have been saving up for next summer, but here's the thing: we are just now starting to feel the effects of a down economy, and the salary cap is going to be much lower next year than anyone could have anticipated. Sry.

NBA Commissioner @DavidStern: P.S. I hope that doesn't affect our chances of avoiding the "L" word before 2011.

Check back at Sports Central every Monday for Scott Shepherd's weekly column. You can also follow him on Twitter at

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