The MLB Powerless Rankings: April

We all know and love (or possibly hate) the phenomenon known as power rankings. They provide just about any person an opportunity to give their opinion on who the "best" teams at any given time and in any given league. While they certainly serve a purpose and produce some comically aggressive arguments from time to time, I've always wondered why we never have anything to gauge the worst teams. Surely, most people probably don't even want to think about giving bad teams the time of day, but if you think about it, don't we owe it to the league as fans to know as much as possible, for better or worse? I submit yes to this question.

So, in order to accomplish this task, I went and created "the powerless rankings." The name is pretty self-explanatory, but I promise you that I will at least attempt to make it much more riveting than it should rightfully be.


26. Colorado Rockies

The Rockies are currently the proud owners of the longest losing streak in baseball currently (four games) and it's this very same losing streak that plopped them into the first spot in the powerless rankings. Although losing four games is never a good thing at any point in the year, it's April (you'll be hearing this again) and in the grand scheme of things, April doesn't really mean much. Unless you have losing streaks that last for any longer than four games or so. Hopefully, the Rockies can turn things around and end the drought soon.

27. Milwaukee Brewers

The Brewers have been playing some very mediocre baseball thus far in the season and their record has reflected this. Prince Fielder looks to be off to a slow start compared with his normal standards, but the team certainly has the talent and experience present to end up being just fine. Until then, though, they have a very special RSVP in our poorly decorated powerless rankings basement!

28. Arizona Diamondbacks

The biggest problem for the Diamondbacks so far this year is that their bats haven't been able to give their arms any consistent support. As with every type of ranking or analysis of baseball in April, it is still April and there's no sense running around crying that the skies about to fall just yet. So you can relax, Chicken Little, everything might just turn out to be okay.

29. Houston Astros

Despite what their record may indicate, the Astros aren't really playing that horribly and are ranked in or near the middle of the pack in nearly all respectable statistic categories. In the end, though, it matters more what your record says than whereabouts you're ranked. Even though they are so close to the bottom, consider the Astros a victim of a slow start and expect them to make a somewhat respectable turnaround in the short future.

30. Washington Nationals

Although an argument could be made for any other team in the bottom five of the cellar rankings, the Nationals have only managed thus far to win 2 total games out of 12 tries. Say what you want about it sometimes taking a bit for a team to get started early in the year, but you have to admit that there start has been especially slow — and unprofessional. But it's still only April, so all is certainly not lost, but if they don't start to get their act together soon, then it certainly could be.

But that's going to about wrap it up for the debut edition of the powerless rankings. Hopefully, you're not too disappointed in your team's performance, but just always remember that it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it just matters that you had fun. Even though it's not very fun at all to watch our teams lose more games than anyone else in the league.

Regardless, like I've said 15 times so far in this article, it's only April. So stop with the doom predictions and all that stuff! You know, unless it continues happening into next month...

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