Best Team Didn’t Play in the Rose Bowl

In deference to Matt Leinart, Vince Young, Reggie Bush, and a host of other truly great players for both national champion, Texas, and Rose Bowl loser, USC, none of these splendid young athletes play for the NCAA's best college football team. Now, I'm sure you may be on the edge of your seat ready to hurl something at your computer screen, wishing it were my head, but before you do something crazy, check out the rationalization behind this bold statement.

Ohio State is the best team in the land. Now, it's difficult to put the word undoubtedly in front of best, because of the ongoing menace to college football, known as the BCS. If the four best teams, OSU, Texas, USC, and Penn State, could have taken part in a playoff, the Buckeyes would have prevailed and proven that they were superior.

Now, the naysayer will certainly note Ohio State's two losses, one each to Texas and Penn State, as the most obvious evidence that the Buckeyes fall short in comparison to these other three. Remember, though, OSU played the national champs in its second game of the season with a confused Troy Smith, playing in his first contest of the year, and alternating possessions with sub-par backup quarterback Justin Zwick. In spite of this shortcoming, the Buckeyes dominated much of the game, which included a dropped touchdown pass by tight end Ryan Hamby that would have all but sealed a Buckeye victory.

There is no excuse for the loss to the Nittany Lions. I would simply place an asterisk next to the game with a note that Smith had not yet evolved into the remarkable quarterback that he is now, and this is where the argument turns.

The Buckeyes' talent is indisputable. Obviously, there is only one Reggie Bush and one Vince Young. It wasn't more than the blink of an eye, though, after OSU dismantled a very good Notre Dame team in the Fiesta Bowl, that experts were already calling Ted Ginn the new Reggie Bush and Smith a Heisman hopeful. Ginn's athleticism and speed are virtually immeasurable. He is a legitimate game-breaker. His counterpart at wide receiver, Santonio Holmes, who will gallop into the NFL draft a year early, just may be the first wide receiver taken. Throw in a host of stellar backup receivers and very able tight ends, and this receiving corps is unmatched.

Since the departure of malcontent Maurice Clarrett, the OSU running game has suffered. That is, until the emergence of Antonio Pittman, who shredded Notre Dame for over 160 yards, punctuated by a scintillating 60-yard jaunt in the waning moments that capped the 33-20 win, in a game that was never really that close. Pittman is no Bush, but he gives the Buckeyes a power running game that keeps defenses, frightened to death of the vertical prowess of the OSU passing game, completely off-balance.

And then there's Smith. Can anyone argue with the freakish evolution of this young man from the first seven games of the year to the last five? Early in the year, Smith looked as though he'd never seen a football. He ran with his head down, missed open receivers, and fumbled all too often. Somehow, in a little over a month, he has become a virtuoso in cleats. His accuracy is uncanny, he escapes would-be sackers with Houdini-like acumen, and he leads like the best generals in history. Smith is not only a candidate for next year's Heisman Trophy, he may enter the season as the prohibitive favorite.

Remarkably, all of this praise has come without mentioning A.J. Hawk — an absolute Superman at linebacker, who can break the backs of the best offensive weapons on the planet. Need an answer to Leinart, Bush, and Young? Hawk has it in a unique blend of speed, agility, and open-field awareness not seen since Lawrence Taylor. Hawk is part of the fiercest linebacking corp since some of the old Steeler teams. Throw in a fast secondary, and the mastermind of head coach Jim Tressel, and you have a top-ranked defense, built to stifle even the most explosive teams.

Speaking of Tressel, he never loses the big game. He's 3-0 in Fiesta Bowls, including a 2002 championship game victory over a Miami, regarded by many as one of the best college teams ever. Including his time at Division I-AA Youngstown State, Tressel has won an astonishing five national titles

This is the recipe of a team that finished 10-2 and was playing nearly flawless football. Disregard the two losses, throw the Buckeyes into a playoff, and Texas would still be searching for its first national title.

Mark Barnes is a novelist, regular contributor to fantasy football site, and NFL football radio analyst. He appears weekly on ESPN radio in High Point, NC and on WBAL in Baltimore, MD, where he discusses pro football and fantasy sports. Mark's novel, "The League," is the first-ever published work of fiction with a plot based on the dangers of a multi-million-dollar fantasy football league. Learn more about "The League" and Mark's work at

Comments and Conversation

January 11, 2006


You sound a lot like Matt Leinart after losing but still thinking that his team was better. There’s a reason that games are played on the field and asterisks are not placed by games, because say what you want, Texas was in fact the best team in the country this year. You sound like an OSU fan that just makes up excuses instead of acknowledging that while Ohio State was great this season, they simply weren’t the best. You say all you want about the possible disregard of the two losses, but Texas beat a team that people were calling the greatest in history until the Rose Bowl. Nevemind what the players were like in the beginning of the season, a team’s success is judged by performance over an entire season, not just the last five games, and over the entire course of the season, Ohio State simply wasn’t the best team

January 11, 2006

Mark Barnes:

Jeff, you are right in much of what you say. I am an Ohio State fan, but I’m also an objective sports writer. I think you missed the point about a playoff system. On paper this year, Texas is definitely better. Although we’ll never know, I believe that if there was a playoff right now, OSU would prevail over anyone. Thanks for reading.

January 11, 2006


Barnes is an idiot. If OSU hadn’t lost to Texas and if they hadn’t been beat by Penn State then MAYBE they would have beaten USC?

What kind of bs is that? 10 other teams could argue the same thing. It’s too bad that college seasons are only 13 games long… maybe if they were 20 games long and OSU scheduled all it’s tough games later in the season (because it apparently takes them 10 games to warm up), then OSU might have been the best.

To bad we live in the real world and paper tigers like OSU prove they can’t cut it time and time again.

January 11, 2006

Mark Barnes:

Marshall, earlier in the year, I bet you’d have said the Patriots looked pretty bad and had no chance at another Super Bowl. Of course, in the NFL, there is a playoff, so teams that are playing the best at the end of the season have a chance to prove that early season losses are meaningless, as the Pats are doing now and OSU would do, if given a chance in a playoff.

Incidentally, what do you mean OSU proves they can’t cut it time and time again? Weren’t they undefeated national champs in 2002?

I certainly don’t mind opposing views, but come informed, if you want to run smack.

January 11, 2006


You have been drinking the OSU Kool-Aid, my friend.

There is no playoff in D-1 football. Therefore, all we have left is the regular season as the “tournament”. OSU lost twice in that format. Is that fair or equitable? No, but it’s all we have.

As to the question of OSU’s ability (purely subjective) to defeat both USC and Texas at the end of the year, we will never know. Here is what we know from my point of view. Notre Dame was exposed by a very good OSU team that was good enough to defeat every team on their schedule except the first and third best teams in the country, losing to Texas at home at night where they had never lost. Troy Smith looked good but so did USC against inferior competion all year. When they finally played Texas, the dynasty crumbled. OSU had their shot and lost. They will get a rematch in ‘07. Let the teams decide and keep your homer perspective in check

January 11, 2006

mark alexander:

Stupidest article or comment i have ever seen. No way ohio team there not even top five team. someone has been hitting the wacky weed.

January 11, 2006


Face it pal OSU lost to Penn State. The game was great but Ginn was shut down and Hawk did not play Superman with the Penn State running game. OSU lost pure and simple. Please don’t tell me about how tough the Orange Bowl was for PSU and the fact that they played FSU meant their vicoty was pointless. They lost their starting backfield and best linebacker and still won. I am sure OSU will be better than PSU next year just based upon returning starters.

January 11, 2006

John Brady:

First you said that Ohio State dominated Texas. I think it is important to look at the facts. Texas out gained OSU by 127 yards. Texas turned the ball over twice deep in their territory and held and still won. How is that domination. Second, Tressel never loses the big game? Playing #2 Texas at night, in the shoe were you have never lost is not a big game? You sound like an OSU homer that is looking at the season from OSU glasses. I like OSU, but give me a break.

January 11, 2006


Quote from mark: “there not even top five team.”

Wow mark, you’re a smart guy. I bet you learned how to count up in Michigan or something. Just to review here’s the final rankings:

1. Texas (62) 13-0 1,550
2. USC 12-1 1,483
3. Penn State 11-1 1,421
4. Ohio State 10-2 1,357

Oh, what’s that there? We didn’t even get to 5 (although I assure you I can count that high) and we already show Ohio State. You tell me who’s been hitting the wacky weed.

January 11, 2006



By couldn’t cut it time and time again I meant this season. People like you who continually bitch and moan for a playoff don’t really like college football, you like pro football and want to make college more like it.

Some of us like the bowl system just the way it is. We get to watch teams like Boise State, Nevada and other teams we’d never see. A playoff system would just reinforce the class system in college football (PSU, OSU, Michigan, Miami, OK, Texas, etc.). How boring is that.

My point is, your article was ridiculous. You’ve been exposed as a shameless OSU cheerleader. Texas punked OSU in their own backyard when OSU was ranked #4 and everyone thought they’d win.

Maybe next year Mark.

January 11, 2006

Tiarnan Fitzgerald:

You make no sense….all the top 10 teams can make that same arguement. Troy Smith ‘has come a long way since the PSU game’. Is that all you have. How about Michael Robinson…If you take away his first three games (all wins) he may have won the Heisiman. The “what if” game can be played by Oregon and Penn State. What if the officials don’t give Michigan those horrendous spots against PSU, what if Michigan doesn’t get an extra 2 seconds, what if….what if…what if….The fact is, in a 12 game season Ohio State choked and they deserve to be where they are! And Penn State deserves to be number 3….just for whining so much, they should move OSU out of the top 5!

January 11, 2006



I read your article and must say to you without a doubt you are right. I am a huge Irish fan, but always call a spade a spade. When we were set to play OSU, I maintained that it would be hard for us to win. I even let myself beleive as much as a 50/50 chance. OSU has an awsome defence and a very good offence. When we lost to USC this year, you can blame the ref, the Reggie push, the clock but it all comes down to that 4th and 9 completion. I also agree that teams come out flat early in the college year and build momentum as the season draws to an end. USC has great talent and lost the game because of Pete Carol. 2 times 4th and 1, timeout on the 2 pt conversion and the Reggie flick. Bad calls on their coaching staff. Yes. OSU would beat either USC or Teaxas. They were peaking strong and confident. Just a quick note, Brady Quinn will be the Hiesman winner next year.

January 11, 2006


alright, you must be kidding right? Are you going to tell me that Vince Young didn’t get any better over the season? While ill give you the fact that OSU did get better, you can’t say Texas players didn’t get better, because they did. This is the ever-so-famous blindness of OSU fans. Whether you believe it or not, yes you did win your bowl game, but no, you sure as hell did not deserve to be in the BCS championships. If you are as good as you say, you wouldn’t have lost to Penn State or Texas. Troy Smith this…dropped pass that…guess what, the team isn’t good enough, and thats why they didn’t play in, much less win, the BCS Championship. If Texas beats OSU next year (in Austin), ill be expecting another OSU is better than Texas article the day after they lose.

January 11, 2006

Joseph Santacecilia:

Mr. Barnes, I do agree that Ohio State’s receiving corps of Ted Ginn, Sanantonio Holmes and the abled tight ends along with their backup receivers are quite formidable. The backfield of Antonio Pittman and a more mature and seasoned Troy Smith would give opposing defenses the ” heebie jeebies” next season. But, this past season, there are no asterisks regarding the two losses Ohio State fared against a future national champion in Texas and a hungry Penn State squad. Ohio State lost to both those teams PERIOD ! There are no “ifs”, “ands” or “buts” regarding this .

January 11, 2006

butch Meade:

Mr Barnes,you apparantly do not think much of the other side of the line of scrimmage,or you just don’t understand that defense wins games,and as good as troy,progressed,he still saw the best defense of the year in the two teams he lost to,which I might add progressed also…….(you’re wrong)

January 11, 2006


1st: Paul Posluszny(Butkus Award Winner)
A.J. Hawk(Butkus Wannabe)
2nd: PSU dominated OSU, and you admitted that you don’t have an excuse for that one, b/c we cleanly beat you

3rd: M-Rob > Troy Smith,
no matter how much Smith inproved he didn’t break Heisman Top 5 (M-Rob did)

your reasoning is illogical
GIVE IT UP!, you finished 2nd in the Big Ten, and your pissed

January 11, 2006


What a moron! Gee Texas evolved into a mediorce team, they may be good some day…MAYBE as good as OSU…too bad OSU only got to beat a crappy Notre Dame team that has no defense, theymay have handled Texas the second time!!! hahaha!!!

As for PSU…Put an asterisk next to your journalism degree…you haven’t evolved either!

January 11, 2006


Moron seems a little harsh…moron.

This doesn’t seem to be about the Luckeyes, the Nittany egos, the Texas Foghorns, or even the Metrosexual Trojans. Everything ended up where it was supposed to. The current system isn’t looking for the best team, (give me a second). It is looking for the best season. It looks for the hardest fought fight, the way it should be.

On the other hand, how can we neglect to realize that a playoff would either give us a true winner of everything, or a fluke winner of everything. How many true upsets do you see in March Madness? It is a cinderella story, really. But in a 4 team playoff, or even an 8 team playoff, a true upset of the best team has an effect that no one could accept. Not even the winner. If I were Penn State, or even Notre Dame, and beat Texas, I would know deep in my heart the best team didn’t win. I could not enjoy my national championship if everyone said we won due to a fluke.

The only true “Best of the Best ” series would be a four team, three game each matchup playoff. But honestly….who has the time and/or the liver to consume that much beer?

Simply put, the current system gives us the best season, an NFL playoff system would give us a true winner, or maybe an accidental champion. Who could live with the loss of a game because of a technical foul because you have no more time-outs. (Sorry about the basketball reference… and to you U of M)

The best team truly won this year. This coming from one of the largest OSU fans.
OSU first, Big Ten second. I am happy with this season, We lost to the national champions, and one of the most celebrated Big Ten teams ever.

P.S. Watch us next year. CHRIS WELLS. Better than Maurice Clarrett, without the short bus.

January 11, 2006


Did Troy get better or did the competition get weaker after PSU? You decide:

Team/Total Defense/Scoring Defense
MSU 87 77
IU 93 104
Minn 90 80
Ill 115 115
NW 117 106
scUM 36 24
ND 75 53

January 11, 2006

Brad Oremland:

I am a playoff advocate, but the participation of teams like OSU would be a necessary evil, not a good thing.

One can make the argument that Ohio State was the nation’s best team at the END of the season, but it’s impossible to argue that they were the best team over the entire season.

Texas and USC and maybe Penn State were teams that deserved a shot at the title this year, based on what they did all season. OSU may have been hot at the end, but to call them the best team in the nation is to reward early-season mediocrity.

January 11, 2006


I love how Buckeye fans all assume that Troy Smith got better as the season went along. Have you seen how the defenses they’ve played rank since the PSU game?

The best defesne they played after Penn State was Michigan’s at 36th in the nation. After than, ND at 75th in the nation. MSU was 87th, Minnesota was 90th, Purdue was 100th, NW 117th,

I’m a Penn State fan and from the surface our offense got better too as the season went along. Well, it didn’t, it just appeared that way as we got into the Big Ten schedule.

Big Ten defenses were absolutely terrible this year and playing the 30 worst defenses in college football down the stretch will make any QB look better.

January 11, 2006


Alright. You all have been quite amusing. Now, I bleed Scarlet and Gray, but face it, Vince Young put on the greatest display I have ever seen on the gridiron, PERIOD. I don’t think anyone could have beaten him in the Rose Bowl. Yes, we coulda/shoulda won that game in September. Penn State out and out beat us. Frankly, I think the team was intimidated by the 12th man, those crazy PSU students. That was truly something. But we got beat flat out in that game. And a playoff? Yes, I’d say the Bucks would be a top two finalist in a playoff. And a playoff would not take away the Bowl system. You have a playoff with the BCS top 8, and you still run all the other bowls. Then you don’t have 16th ranked FSU (or whatever they were) playing 3rd ranked PSU in the Orange bowl.

January 11, 2006


Why play the games? I think in 2006, we should call OSU’s entire season a pre-season warm up and then just hand the MNC at the end of the year. College football is about playing great the entire year and winning the entire year. You don’t think any other players improved throughout the year? V Young was sick in the Rose Bowl, they would’ve waxed Ohio St had they met again. MRob improved dramatically as he gelled with his frosh receivers. I’m guilty for posting a message b/c obviously you stirred us up which is what you intended to, but this is the dumbest argument I’ve ever read.

January 12, 2006


I think you’re right. Ohio State WAS the best team in the nation at the end of the season.

January 12, 2006


If you want to have a system that rewards the team that had the best season then the Bowl system is perfect. If you want to have a system that rewards the best team at the end of the season then the Bowl system has flaws. Thats not to say that the best team at the end of the season isnt the best team throughout the whole year. The trush is with this system you will never know who the best team at the end of the season really is. Only a playoff would show who the best team at the END of the season is. Could you imagine if only the best record AFC team faced the best record NFC team played for the SuperBowl. I wonder how many teams that won SuperBowls wouldnt have won because they wouldnt get the chance to play. The very fact that people are having this conversation tells you whats wrong with the Bowl system. Most people want the best team at the end of the season as the Champs, and this system does not always give you that. I think the best thing about a playoff is that people cannot complain about who is the best.

January 12, 2006


Texas may very well have been the best team at the end of the season.

Ohio State may very well have been the best team at the end of the season.

This system does not give you that answer, that’s why the bowl system sucks compared to a playoff system.

January 12, 2006


just a thought, i see that they(the vegas odds makers have ND, more of a favorite to win the national champhionship, than the buckeyes. what a joke. national inquirer writers posing as sportswriters need to find a new livelyhood, they just don’t see the real picture. AJ Hawk not getting the best defensive player award in the country is a real travesty.

January 12, 2006


As an alumni of both Ohio State and Texas (I was on the OSU side during the Showdown in the ‘Shoe), I feel obligated to point out that you last statement is incorrect. This was not UT’s first nat’l championship…but it was their first since 1970.

January 12, 2006

Frank Valicenti:

Paul Plozluzny had more tackles in the OSU game than all three of the OSU linebackers. He was Troy Smiths’ worst nightmare all night.
Oh by the way there is no such thing as an Objective Ohio State Fan, I spent 10 years in Columbus 1 year.

January 12, 2006


I am an OSU fan and back in 2002 I wouldn’t have wanted a playoff system just like UT fans wouldn’t want it this year. But, just think of a 4 team playoff what if would do for all of us going though College Football withdrawal. Every other college sports has a playoff why not Football?

January 12, 2006

Burton S. Thorton III:

Absolutely insane rationalization here.

OSU (#4 in AP poll) lost 2 games.

4 other teams didn’t. In fact 2 of these 4 beat OSU:
Texas (#1 in AP poll)
USC (#2 in AP poll)
PSU (#3 in AP poll)
WVU (#5 in AP poll)

January 12, 2006

Roy Gochenour:

Maybe you should point out to the Penn State defense that it had no right winning that game. Oh yea, Tambi sacking QB causing fumble, OSU LBs not tackling Williams nor MRob resulting in TDs…. never happened I guess. Take off your red/white colored glasses. OSU lost on the field. Proved that polls are frauds.

January 12, 2006

Mark Barnes:

Lots of interesting and insightful stuff along with some ridiculous feedback, but that’s what it’s all about. You should all read Jerry’s comments, as he makes the best argument.

Playoffs, however, do show who is the best at the most important time of the season. Something may look like an upset, but the best teams play their best when it counts and true champions don’t get upset. Take the Patriots this year, for example.

Many of you missed the article’s point: the Buckeyes were playing the best when it counts, and it would be proven (according to this writer) if such a playoff existed. Will we ever know? Of course not. It’s always fun to muse, though.

To all Texas, USC, PSU and OSU fans and any unidentified others, good luck to your teams next season, and stay in touch.

January 12, 2006

Randall Lewis:

Idiot! Last time I checked it was early in our season as well, AND the game was in Ohio. This is also Texas 4th National title-not 1st. How does it go-shoulda, coulda, woulda???

January 12, 2006


Moron was probably being nice! I can think of a word that starts with “A” that would fit!

Maybe they should have said Moron Homer!

I’ve never seen such a biased article in my entire life! What a homer!

The two best teams played for the MNC…Both went the distance as 1 & 2, the game was a classic!

OSU, Penn State, ND, and _______ didn’t belong in that game at ALL!

Texas proved that they could beat OSU, no matter WHO the QB was. If Zwick was doing so bad then it was Tressels fault to not see that and insert Smith and vice versa! PSU beat them was the middle of the season, No asterisk for Troy Smith, and his evolving!! It was mid-season, it was a loss get over it! PSU’s Defense handled them, PSU’s Defense BEAT could see that PSU’s offense was called off early. JoePa made a statement that day!

OSU played sub-standard defenses the rest of the season INCLUDING Notre Dame!

If OSU played either Texas or USC they would have been beaten! They didn’t belong in the MNC AT ALL!!!

January 12, 2006


I’ll agree…OSU was playing good football at the end of the year, they were playing good football at the beginning of the year also…Texas should have probably lost, but found a way to win in Columbus..

One thing…if OSU was playing such GREAT football, worthy enough to play in the Champonship game, how come they didn’t beat Notre Dame by MUCH more? ND didn’t belong in a BCS game with their weak schedule wins!

January 12, 2006


What is the cost of a national championship? $500, the amount Troy Smith took from the booster after the Michigan game last year resulting in a two game suspension. Additionally, he was suspended from practicing with the 1st team offense until the week of the Texas game. Anti-OSU people everywhere can legitimately rationalize their arguments based upon the fact that the OSU indeed lost to Texas and Penn State. Mark would of strengthened his by mentioning the above fact.

January 12, 2006


This guy makes the statement, “they were playing best when it counts.” I am pretty sure the whole point of having a regular season is that IT COUNTS! I get so sick and tired of people complaining after their team lost. I am a Penn State fan and will say they didn’t deserve to be in the title game. That’s not because I don’t think they were good enough, (they could have hung around with either team), but because THEY LOST! No, buckeye fans, go back to your holes and think of more junk to say for next year.

January 12, 2006


Are you people really that supid that you cant get his point he is trying to make? Nobody is saying OSU, ND or PSU deserved to be in the NC game. All he is saying is that in a playoff system OSU would of had as good a chance as any to win the NC.

Teams that peak late in the season dont get the chance to prove themselves. A lot of Texas and USC fans need to chill because nobody is saying they didnt belong in the NC game. It doesnt matter who played in the NC game, its the wrong system to crown a Champion. If every other NCAA sport can have a Playoff system then so can NCAA Divsion 1 football.

January 12, 2006


Hey Mark, myabe you missed the point. In college football EVERY GAME counts. Not just the Michigan game or the last 7 games of the season. Sorry, this just wasn’t OSU’s year buddy. Get over it, stop crying, and stop making excuses and hypothetical arguments. You sound pathetic and ridiculous. Have some class and admit that the best 2 teams (who happened to be UNDEFEATED) played for the national championship, and the BEST team won. I’m a Penn State fan and you don’t hear me complaining. That’s probably because unlike you OSU guys, we have CLASS!

January 12, 2006


Greatest article ever written. Bucks had the greatest team ever at the end of the season and PSU looked like crap once again. Will see the sissy lions next year in C-bus. Maybe you guys can have another good year in 10 years or so. PSU belongs in the MAC where Toledo can beat you at home again :) HAHA losers.

January 12, 2006


How come all the “over the top” insults are coming from admitted Penn State fans? Relax. You have one good season in how many years and all of a sudden you are all experts. If all of you reach into your God given intelligence, you will see the underlying message. Mark wants a playoff..he chose this arguement because it would get the most attention. Everyone knows that even though OSU has shown up the past 4 years, people love to hate them. Oops look, it worked, you are all still reading. I understand your point Mark and get it. It was a little heavy but it got attention to the subject.

January 12, 2006


Hey Haster, I usually don’t agree with mindless insults, but they deserve it!

See all you lions in Columbus next year, I will be the large, angry, drunk man wearing a #7 jersey. I dare any of you to repeat these comments in the middle of Lane Ave. If you do, our students will be jogging on blue streets the day after.

January 12, 2006


No little joey, it is not a class issue. I think that it is an issue of you and all lions not understanding consistency. Where were you the last decade? Stop being so high and mighty. Have 4 or 5 more good seasons and maybe you can puff out your chest then. Every Lion on this site sounds like that kid on the ball diamond that finally gets a grounder after ten at bats, then rides the pony to first. ONE GOOD SEASON?1 Are you serious?

January 12, 2006


All you guys are good for is mindless insults, hypotheticals, and a little whining it seems. I’d like to see all you whiners wearing your RED and making your comments on College Ave. Many of US want a playoff as well. We just don’t whine and make claims in order to get our point across. You all should just be happy that you got a “share” of the Big 10 Championship even though WE had a better over all record and beat you head to head. That is just as ridiculous as having no playoffs in college football. Oh ya,and see you there JERRY! We’ll be the large group of drunks who take over your dirty city for the weekend yellin out WE ARE PENN STATE. Good luck recruiting some more future criminals buddy!

January 12, 2006


as for the last decade, I only have two words…Larry Johnson.

January 13, 2006

Leigh Arredondo:

Woulda, coulda, shoulda….the season is already in the history books (they do teach history at OSU, don’t they?), so accept that UT is the National Champ. Let your team prove it on the football field in 2006, as they did not in 2005. You’ve taken the intellectually worthless and pointless effort to rewrite history…..instead, take pride in your tradition of football excellence (I won’t deny you that), and demonstrate your “class” and ability on the field in 2006….see you in Austin! Hook ‘Em Horns!

January 13, 2006


I do believe I was writing with class. Go back in the recesses of this thread. Read my initial post. The past two were retalliation to “mindless insults”. Read the dozens of insults thrown our way, then show me the class of Nittany. At least on this site. I do believe I said, and I quote…myself, “OSU first, Big Ten second. I am happy with this season, We lost to the national champions, and one of the most celebrated Big Ten teams ever.” If there was any lack of class it came from the East. Drop the attitude…….Christ!

January 13, 2006


Besides, this Joey guy deserves a little razzing.

January 13, 2006


Funniest stuff ever…..OSU would be stuffed by PSU again.

January 13, 2006


How did he destroy my arguement that we should keep it as a bowl system? How did he destroy my arguement that I am happy with losing to two of the best teams in the nation?
Try and keep up with the conversation, or but out…troglodyte!

January 14, 2006

carlos rodriguez:

mark barnes has NO CLUE what he is talking about….he needs to sit down and watch the game a little closer.

January 17, 2006

Sam Dewey:

Mark, you are exactly right. OSU was clearly the best team in country by the end of the season.

P.S. Why can’t Penn State fans admit we would have crushed them in a rematch at the end of the season. :)

…Just wait until the rematch next year

January 18, 2006

Jimmy Chang:

Aight Maybe they could have. lets do this go back in time and then OSU can whoop those inferior little lion’s butts.

I admit that PSU had hard time beatin FSU and there is no arguement for that.
OSU is a great foot ball team and may be they will annihilate PSU next year(probably cause 16 seniors from the team are going to graduate) but they beat OSU when it was time for them to beat them, on their schedule. They had to wait a month to play FSU in Orange bowl. The reporters hyped the Rose Bowl and the Fiesta Bowl more than they did the Orange Bowl any way. OSU beat ND easily making the game boring. Aside from those missed kicks the Orange Bowl was hard fought defensive battles.(losing Tony Hunt made it difficult for MRob in that game)

And on the whole article, there are thousands of journalist complaining about the NCAA football playoff system. They couldn’t change them what makes you think this article will.

January 19, 2006

Jay Sansom:

The article is crap- If he wants to say that Ohio State is the best team in 2005, then he needs to denounce their 2002 championship, because they were not the best team that year. They won game after game by the slighest margins late in the game against teams that were not even ranked!!! But you know what, that is what put them in the National Championship game and that is why they won the game, and by the system we have in place, that is why they were National Champs that year. So if you want to crown Ohio State as the best team this year, even though they lost to both Penn State and the Texas Longhorns, because you feel they were the best team at the end of the season, then take away the 2002 championship, because they were an average team that found ways to win.
This Texas Team is one of the greatest teams ever in College football, Top rated offense and Top 5 Defense, and they slaughtered everybody except Ohio State- and Texas played its worst game of the year in that one, and still WON!!!

January 20, 2006


Jay, I completely agree that the best team won. I DO disagree with your statement about the 2002 team. Tressel has introduced a new strategy that OSU has never seen before. Tressel looks at the time management avenue of college football. He fights for time management by the end of the second quarter. Thus giving his team the last chance to score. This shows that he has complete confidence in his fundimentally sound team. The national championship can be given to Tressel and our recent jailbird.

On your other note Vince young has never had that many grass stains on his shirt… that is something.

Most people hear the crazy fanatics that focus on what should’ve happened, but the other 98% of us feel that the true champion has won. I can not wait until next year. i am sure we will be typing the same thing next year… but about a differnt team, probably the Nittany Lions. ( I only say this because there is 2% of fanatical Penn State fans typing tasteless comments on this thread.

GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR……TO EVERYONE. Especially the Toledo Zips, you got robbed, ( I lost a bet)!

January 20, 2006


Just a question for Jimmy. Why did everyone.. and I mean EVERYONE, give this season to the fact that JoPa played freshmen this year. Why are you worried?

January 21, 2006


Jerry, Tressel is one of the best coaches in college football and I think the 2002 Ohio State team was the best team in the Nation that year based on the system we have in place. Championship teams find ways to win close games, and the Buckeyes did it time and again that year including the championship game. My point was this, if this guy is going to write an article saying that Ohio State was the best team in the nation at the end of the season this year, then he needs to denounce the 2002 championship team. They had a spectacular defense that year, (as they have every year), and a below average offense that did what it had to do to win, ( again, that is what teams that win championships do). But at the end of the year there were 2 - 3 other teams that had one lose and were having great seasons and could of claimed on paper they were the best team in the nation- not Ohio State. So to take anything away from what the Longhorns accomplished this year is plain and simple-poor journalism. The Longhorns had a spectacular season and are very deserving of their National Championship. I for one would love to see a playoff system. A rematch between the buckeyes and Longhorns this year, or even USC and Ohio State, or Penn State and the Longhorns- Throw a few of those other teams in the mix, Wow, wouldn’t that be some exciting match-ups!!! But until then, give the credit to the team that deserves it, In 2002 it was Ohio State, in 2005 it is the Texas Longhorns!!!

January 28, 2006


Hey, Mark B. Do some research before you write next time - Texas DID win a National Title - back in 1970.

March 3, 2006

matthew england:

any team can beat any other team on any given day im a notre dame and no we didnt have a great defense but schedule was not any weaker than texas or usc vince young had the best game of his life against usc usc had far superiortalent than anyone in the ntion and had they of played their best game would of won the nc i dont care if you disagree or not the bush turnover at the 20 was a borderline retarded and texas got a touchdown on a play that should of been a field goal when vince youngs knee was on the ground (by the way the replay booths monitors had trouble exactly when that played happened hence no review) i am not making excuses for usc i hate usc but things like this for national championship teams like texas that is why we love football everything went right for texas just like when tennessee won it in 98 remember the stoerner play bonehead i believe texas caught ohio state at the perfect time at the end of the year they were twice the team they were at the start of the year and i believe they easily could have beat texas their offense looked just as good and their defense was far superior to texas and usc hell to everyone in the nation if you dont believe me just watch the nfl draft but anyway that is why we love football and i have to do this go irish and you wont be able to talk bad about our defense in about three years we are on are way back QUINN FOR HEISMAN 06 AND THE TROPHY COMES BACK TO SOUTH BEND NEXT YEAR AND THE NEXT SORRY OSU FANS WE GET OUR REVENGE NEXT YEAR IN THE NC GANE CAUSE YOU WILL BE THERE TOO

April 10, 2006

dan niskanen:

As a Penn State grad, my only comment is that you have absolutely no credibility. No other comment necessary.

July 27, 2006


Ohio State was the best team not to play in the Rose Bowl, as shown by the NFL draft. That said, you have an awful lot of excuses, and you completely ignored the biased officiating that negated a Longhorn TD. The Horns beat your team on your on turf, at night, which had never been done before. Get over it.

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