Random Thoughts on the NBA Season

As I sit down to write this, there are a lot of things going through my mind when I think about the start of the 2005-06 NBA season. The league is completing its first full month of action and there are several things that stick out when I think about the young season.

Does Kobe, Phil, and Lamar Equal a Championship?

I don't think so. The Lakers look lost on offense. The triangle offense is mystifying the young squad, especially Lamar Odom, who Phil Jackson has asked to play a Magic Johnson-type roll by playing point guard. Odom has the size to mirror Magic's. At 6-10, he's an obvious matchup problem for any opposing team, but he doesn't look comfortable in the offense. He's a player that needs the ball in hands to succeed, but this offense doesn't suit the former Rhode Island star.

While Odom struggles and newcomer Kwame Brown continues to stink, Kobe Bryant is flourishing. Heading into the season, Phil sat down with Kobe to talk about his shot selection. Last season, Bryant took an abundance of three-point shots and Phil wanted to make sure Bryant was smarter in his shot selection. And that seemed to work for the first couple of games. Bryant was averaging over 30 points per game, while taking fewer shots.

But seeing Odom's struggles, Phil decided to turn Kobe loose and Bryant's shot count has increased dramatically over the last few weeks. Can this formula work for the Lakers? Many observers thought this was a playoff team heading into the season. But Bryant wore down towards the end of last season and if the Lakers continue to give Bryant the bulk of the shots, Odom will continue to look lost.

While the Lakers look inconsistent, their co-Staples Center tenants look anything but. The L.A. Clippers are the surprise of the NBA. The Clippers are off to the best start in franchise history and after an offseason of spending money, the Clippers have the players to win for the first time in a decade. Sam Cassell is having a brilliant season, resurrecting his career after being let go by the Timberwolves in the offseason. The Clippers have a stable of young talent in Chris Kaman, Corey Maggette, Chris Wilcox, and Elton Brand, and coach Mike Dunleavy, Sr. is getting the most out of his young players, while also maximizing the effort out of veterans Cassell and Cuttino Mobley. Mobley is playing like he did when he and Steve Francis formed one of the best backcourts in the NBA in Houston.

But will all this last? Of course Dunleavy is the front-runner for Coach of the Year with the job he's done, but these are still the Clippers. A team that was voted the most losing franchise in sports. Some say the franchise is cursed, but the start the team has had and the great young talent at the Clippers' disposal, the woeful franchise might finally turn the corner.

Can Anybody Stop the Detroit Pistons?

I don't think the so. The Pistons are clicking on all cylinders right now and new coach Flip Saunders is looking like he's getting more out of this group than Larry Brown did. All the things that Larry Brown put in place are still evident, but Flip Saunders has brought in an offense that best suits this team. But the biggest surprise with this team has been the emergence of Darko Milicic. While Larry Brown refused to play the former second pick in the draft, he's fit right into Saunders' system and has become a regular contributor off the Pistons bench.

I don't see anything stopping the Pistons from making their third consecutive appearance in the NBA Finals to face the Spurs for the second straight year. Both teams appear unstoppable.

What's wrong with the Miami Heat?

I knew this would happen. This team just has too many weapons — and egos. Of course, Shaq being out doesn't help things, but they're getting nothing from Antoine Walker and Jason Williams. Bringing these two in was a mistake. They are great players, but they don't fit here. Walker is a crybaby, selfish, and constantly needs the ball. His stock went down after that ridiculous scene at the All-Star Game a couple of years ago in which he whined and cried about not getting enough playing time in the game. Williams is also a great player, but he's not the typical point guard. He likes to shoot and that doesn't fit in Miami. It wasn't that long ago when Williams shot his way out of Sacramento and his play in Miami is mirroring that to a certain degree.

The Heat shouldn't have broken up last year's squad. The window on Shaq's career is closing, but last year's team fit Shaq the best. The Heat had shooters and O'Neal plays his best when he has shooters around him. I mean, he did win three championships with some great shooters in L.A. and letting Damon Jones, Eddie Jones, and Rasual Butler go was a big mistake and the Heat are paying for it now. Both Walker and Williams are capable hitting shots, but they are erratic and inconsistent and that doesn't look good for a team that is trying to win a championship.

My advice to the Heat: go out and find a shooter before the trade deadline or you will be embarrassed by the Pistons in the Eastern Conference — if you make it that far.

He's Back

Ron Artest is having a great start to the season. After missing most of last year after the Brawl in the Palace, Artest is playing with a new dedication to the game. And the Pacers are once again one of the elite teams in the Eastern Conference. Artest seems like he finally gets it — sort of. He changed his number back to No. 15 and that was a start. Wearing No. 91 last year in a tribute to Dennis Rodman, might have been the dumbest thing I've seen since the "Worm" head-butted a referee back when he played for the Bulls.

I think the Brawl in Deteroit made Artest realize the league, namely David Stern, doesn't want another Rodman and his antics needed to stop. So Artest went away for a year, produced an album and apparently is doing another, but his play on the court has improved. He's proven to be a threat on both ends of the floor and with all the emotions the Pacers organization have been through in the last year, with Reggie Miller's farewell tour, and Artest's suspension, Artest is doing and saying all the right things this year and the Pacers are a better team. Look for them to challenge the Heat for a spot in the Eastern Conference Finals.

What About the San Antonio Spurs?

What about them? They're the champs and already have their finals ticket punched.

Comments and Conversation

December 6, 2005


i love this game and i love OKUR’s game
hi from TURKIYE

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