Compiled and verified by BURST! Media, LLC.
Visitor demographics provide a snapshot of Sports Central's audience so you can determine if reaching our audience is right for you.
- 18-34: 32%
- 45-64: 25%
- Under 18: 19%
- 35-44: 16%
- 65+: 5%
- Prefer not to answer: 1%
- Male: 78%
- Female: 21%
- Prefer not to answer: 2%
Education Completed
- Some college: 23%
- College grad: 21%
- HS grad: 21%
- Some HS: 16%
- Post-grad: 14%
- Prefer not to answer: 5%
Household Income
- $50K-$74.9K: 21%
- $20K-$34.9K: 19%
- $75K-$99.9K: 11%
- $35K-$49.9K: 7%
- Under $20K: 12%
- Prefer not to answer: 21%
U.S. Resident
- Yes: 86%
- No: 14%
Internet Usage Per Week
- 20+ hrs.: 39%
- 6-10 hrs.: 19%
- 11-20 hrs.: 18%
- 3-5 hrs.: 12%
- 1-2 hrs.: 8%
- Less than 1 hr.: 4%
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