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Calling The Shots - Edition #78

By Ryan Noonan
Thursday, October 10th, 2002
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Playoff Baseball Rambles

Here at Calling The Shots, we usually like to stick to one topic and focus purely on that. However, some days instead of taking our Ritalin, we take a candy bar and wash that down with a Pepsi. Today is one of those days. We will at least try to keep our focus on playoff baseball.

Barry Bonds

At CTS, Barry Bonds is about as popular as asparagus. I refuse to listen to any argument not placing Bonds as one of the greatest players ever, however, that doesn't mean I have to like him.

I don't like the way he admires his work. His homeruns are a thing of beauty, but if I'm a pitcher and he spends five seconds watching his ball splash into the Cove, the next pitch he sees from me is going in his ear.

I don't like the way he treats people. I know in the last two years we've seen the "lighter, user-friendly" side of Barry Bonds. Whatever, he's still a jerk. Hey, he doesn't have to be friendly, but at least treat people as human beings.

I don't like his KFC commercials. I didn't like George Costanza, not a big fan of KFC, for that matter.

I'm rooting for him to win the NLCS. Only because I'm so tired of hearing how it's a blemish on his career. So Bonds doesn't have a World Series ring, he's still one of the greatest ever. Scott Brocious has like seven, but I don't see anyone calling for his name in Cooperstown.

Yankees and A's

As great as it was to see the Angels win, I think almost every baseball fan in America took a perverse pleasure in watching the Yankees lose. But for anyone who wants to suggest the dynasty is over, remember, they still won 103 games and held the best record in the Major League.

Nice to see all of 35,000 people show up to the deciding game of a postseason series in Oakland.

Maybe next season, Mark Mulder doesn't start game 5.


Any other year, the Anaheim Angels might be this season's greatest story. This year they're not even in the top two. It's hard to compete, story-wise, against a team that survived total elimination and a team that has overcome as much adversity as the St. Louis Cardinals.

Who is this Francisco Rodriguez character, and are we sure his last name isn't Hobbs? He's averaging like 20 strikeouts per nine innings. He's only 20-years-old. The only time I've seen that kind of strikeout ratio is during CTS's weekly trip to the bars.

Angels' fans use a monkey to cheer. Twins' fans use a hanky. So theoretically, the Angels should be making a mess of themselves, and the Twins should be cleaning up.

St. Louis/San Francisco

Kudos to the radio station in Arizona for firing that DJ. For the most part, I think people take things way too seriously and get offended way too easily. Basically, I'm all for people having a sense of humor. But if Tony La Russa wanted to lead a charge to go beat that guy down, I would have been right behind him. It's sad to think a guy like that can get a job on the radio, while I can't get a job near a radio.

Memo to Kenny Lofton: If you're going to start a fight in the LCS, make sure you have a real reason. Why risk getting suspended over ball-two? It was closer to being a strike than it was a bean ball.

Joe Girardi leaves the Cubs for the Yankees and wins three World Series championships. Mark Grace leaves the Cubs for the Diamondbacks and finally wins his first. Miguel Cairo and Jeff Fassero are both former Cubs now with the Cardinals. Fassero wins two games in the NLDS and Cairo is batting like .900. Just something to think about.

Random Shots

* Why do they allow Kia ads during the playoffs? I can think of no good reason for anyone that uses a men's restroom to sit behind the wheel of a Kia. Why doesn't FOX just sell out completely and give ad time to Monistat and Oprah?

* Who had Fall 2002 in the "Christina Aguilera does softcore porn" pool? If it was you, come forward and claim your prize. And is there a better name for that video/song than "Dirty?"

* I've become convinced that Jim Rome only schedules 10 minutes of actual material for his show, then spends the next three hours just repeating the same stuff.

* Playing the Cincinnati Bengals must be like changing the competition setting on John Madden Football from "Pro Bowl" to "Rookie."

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